Water Information

Water Installment & Tap Fees

Property owners who have already paid for a water tap have until June 30, 2022 to request connection to ACWWA’s system at no additional charge. For further information, please click here.

Per page 4, section 2c. the “Letter Agreement with ACWWA”, dated 7/22/2004, Antelope Customers are to be billed at the prior year’s rates.

This amount applies to all Antelope customers who have not pre-paid their tap or meter installation fees. Also, each customer is required to convey all of its Arapahoe and Laramie-Foxhills water to ACWWA upon installation.

Water tap fees are calculated on the service requirements of the specific property and expressed on a tap equivalent (T.E.) basis including landscape irrigation. For more information regarding ACWWA’s tap fees as of 2018, click here.

If you have any questions contact:
Arapahoe County Water & Wastewater Authority
Arnie Reil, Development Services Manager at 303-790-4830 ext 343

Water Usage

As you are aware, several wells in our neighborhood have failed over the last few years, and many more have gone dry in adjacent neighborhoods. The good news is that most Antelope residents have the option to switch to municipal water, but most people like their wells and would prefer to continue to use them as their main source of water.

It is critical that water be conserved so that we may enjoy the use of our wells for years to come. We ask that you follow these simple rules for watering:

– Water during cooler times of day; NOT between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
– Water no more than 3 times per week in any one zone
– Restrict watering to 30 minutes per zone
– Do not waste water by letting it spray on concrete and asphalt
– Repair leaking sprinkler systems quickly
– Do not use spray irrigation while it is raining or during high winds
– Turn off your sprinklers following a rain storm

Each well permit specifies the total area that can be irrigated per lot. For most in our neighborhood, this restriction is between 3000 and 5000 square feet. Antelope covenants also restrict a garden to 1000 square feet in size. In general, the well permit also does not allow the filling of ponds/fountains/pools from the well. Usage in excess of these requirements is punishable by a fine, and may result in invalidating the well permit.

We hope that each of you will continue to use this joint precious resource wisely. If you see someone in the neighborhood abusing their watering privileges, please let us know and we will report the problem to the Office of the State Engineer.

Thank you for your help in making Antelope a wonderful place to live!

Approved Service Line Installation Requirements

Before you hire a contractor to start digging your water line, please read the approved service line installation requirements below. The following is a list of the approved service line installation requirements for the Antelope subdivision provided by ACWWA.

Please show this information to your plumber/contractor when obtaining bids.

Pipe Types
Copper K
SIDR 7 Polyline

Bedding Material
Squeege (aka pea gravel) 6″ below and 6″ above pipe

Pipe Depth
4 1/2 feet minimum top of pipe

Flared fittings on Copper K
Compression fittings on Q-Line and SIDR 7 Polyline

Interior Connection
Well line and ACWWA service line must be totally separated. You may either disconnect the well line from the ACWWA line and run that line separately or use a reduced pressure backflow preventor (Wilkin 975 XL, Febco 860 or 825 Y, Watts 990 or 009).

Pressure reducing valves are required.

If you have any questions, please contact Chuck Reers at 303-690-9551 or Patrick Reed at ACWWA 303-790-4830 ext. 314.

Plumbers and/or Contractors

The Antelope POA has collected names of companies that may be interested in bidding on hooking you up.  Although these people have come recommended, the Antelope POA has no previous experience with these contractors and has no knowledge of their abilities or professionalism.  Some of them have indicated that they can handle the inside portion of your home, while others will only do work to get your line to an outside wall of your home.  These contractors vary greatly in price, depending on many factors, including: the length of the run; the amount of landscaping disturbed; the number of people they can do at the same time, the types of materials used, and whether plumbing services are included.

If you are interested in putting in a water line for future service, please contact one or more of the below-listed companies or a company of your choice.

Drill Tech – Directional boring. Cliff Cartwright 303-638-2854 or Leighton Cartwright 720-272-4032

Granite Plumbing, Inc., Donald Knobloch, 303-472-6954 – Recommended by a homeowner. Will do inside and outside work.

K. K. & E. Contracting, LLC, Jan Knibbe, 303-829-72516 – Foxfield resident; hooked up many Foxfield homes. Will do inside and outside work. Can quote trench and redirectional basse.

Jim’s Excavating, Jim, 303-761-4532 – No inside work.

AARK, Titus Terranova – 303-431-8015 – recommended by homeowner – can do both inside and outside work and landscaping– financing available – no quote available.

J&K Pipeline, 720-889-1940 – No inside work.


Contact the Water Committee

General Email: Mail@Antelopepoa.com

Chuck Reers, Chairperson