he Architectural Control Committee (ACC) consists of volunteer Owners who have the written endorsement of at least three (3) Owners.
The ACC’s responsibilities include:
1) To review and approve/disapprove all Owner requests for Improvements to Lots and all requests for variances to the provision contained in the Governing Documents.
2) To enforce architectural control provisions of the Declaration, Bylaws and Rules, Regulations, Policies, and Procedures.
For more information on what constitutes improvements, go to Governing Documents and be sure to read the ACC Procedures Outline.
A Request For Improvements form is needed before any changes to the exterior of your property can be done. Please print this Form and return it to one of the following ACC members shown below by email, regular mail, or in person.
Contact the ACC Committee
ACC Chairperson: Darren Smith
ACC Committee: Bob Brodkorb, John Ford, Mike Smith, David Hartman
General Email: Mail@Antelopepoa.com
ACC Email: ACC@Antelopepoa.com
NOTE: Be sure to contact the City of Centennial for building permits and requirements BEFORE building. 303-754-3321 www.centennialco.gov